The existence of a technical capability to make EHI more accessible and useable by Health IT Module users does not alter or change any of their data protection responsibilities under applicable laws and regulations. In general, please note that those who use Health IT Module(s) certified to the “EHI export” criterion remain responsible for safeguarding the security and privacy of individuals’ electronic health information (EHI) consistent with applicable laws and regulations related to health information privacy and security, including the Heath Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules, 42 CFR part 2, and state laws.Privacy and Security: § 170.315(b)(10) and, consistent with the rationale provided in the 2015 Edition Final rule, (g)(1) through (6) are exempt from the privacy and security certification framework due to the capabilities included in these criteria, which do not implicate privacy and security concerns (80 FR 62707). The export format(s) used to support paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section must be kept up-to-date. The export created must be electronic and in a computable format.Create an export of all the electronic health information that can be stored at the time of certification by the product, of which the Health IT Module is a part. Patient population electronic health information export.The publicly accessible hyperlink of the export’s format must be included with the exported file(s).The export file(s) created must be electronic and in a computable format.

Limit the ability of users who can create such export file(s) in at least one of these two ways:.A user must be able to execute this capability at any time the user chooses and without subsequent developer assistance to operate.Enable a user to timely create an export file(s) with all of a single patient’s electronic health information that can be stored at the time of certification by the product, of which the Health IT Module is a part.Single patient electronic health information export.§ 170.315 (b)(10) Electronic Health Information export.